What Is The Effect of Tree Roots on Building? Fast growing trees close to buildings can cause unequal settlement when active tree roots dry out the soil causing differential soil shrinkage. Shrinking clays affect the bearing capacity and lead to movement in the building, especially in shallow foundations. Tree roots can extend over a considerable […]
WEATHERING OF ROCK MASS ‘Weathering is the process of alteration and breakdown of rock and soil materials at and near the Earth’s surface by chemical decomposition and physical disintegration’ (Geological Society Engineering Group Working Party Report, 1995). Of particular note in this definition is that weathering is described as a process. It is not a […]
WEIGHT VOLUME RELATIONSHIP OF SOIL The physical properties of a soil give insight as to the identification of the soil and the determination of its characteristics and load response. These properties can be determined by performing a laboratory analysis on undisturbed soil samples obtained during the test boring process. The laboratory analysis should be performed […]
In this post of the Structural Precast series I would like to show you how in Revit we can easily add grout tubes and tubes on top to precast walls.
Grout tube and tube on top are families that come with the installation of Structural Precast Extension for Revit. They are both face-based families. When modeling you can use them or your own families.
In Revit, there are a few ways how these elements could be added to precast wall assemblies.
First, I would like to show you a traditional, manual way.
We simply start the Place a Component command.
Then select a family and a type.
Next select a wall face. Note: Orientation of grout tubes depends on which side/surface of a precast wall has been selected.
Then a position of these elements can be further adjusted using built-in Revit capabilities. For example, you can specify a distance from the edge, distance between elements, use copy or mirror tools etc. …
As you probably noticed already the process itself is pretty straight forward however it can be very tedious and it takes a lot of time as we need to do the same for every single precast wall instance.
This is a situation where Dynamo for Revit comes in handy. Let me show you my automated process of adding tubes to the Revit model.
I made a few assumptions:
My Dynamo script should be ready to be use in Dynamo Player.
It should work with multi-selection of precast walls.
Input parameters should allow selection of types of elements as well as their precise placement.
As a result I ended up with a Dynamo script with the following input parameters in Dynamo Player: Let’s have a look inside the Dynamo script. First, I need to retrieve selected faces.
Next, I have to check the orientation of my faces.
My Python script checks if the beginning of local coordinate system of my surfaces is at the top or bottom and it calculates a rotation angle for grout tubes.
Now it’s time to get information about lengths of my wall parts.
Now I have all data needed to calculate coordinates of insertion points for both grout tubes and tubes on top.
My next Python script helps me calculate where insertion points should be located taking into account all input parameters:
And finally I can add these tubes to my Revit model in the right location and with correct orientation. Here I used the Springs.FamilyInstance.ByFacePoints node available in the Spring Node package.
Adding Grout Tubes and Tubes on Top
All nodes:
This automated process of adding grout tubes saves tones of manual and tedious work and save a lot of time.
Watch video:
For more posts on structural precast in Revit, check out these past articles on BIM and Beam:
PROPERTIES OF HARDENED CONCRETE The following are the properties of concrete in its hardened state, used by the designer during design process of reinforced concrete structure. 1. Compressive Strength The characteristics strength is defined as the strength of concrete below which not more than 5% of the test results are expected to fall. As per […]
The visual programming interface of Dynamo for Revit is enabling structural engineers with the tools to build structural models with minimal energy and make their own structural design tools.
In the early stages of the structural design structural engineers and designers can use Dynamo for Revit to interpret the architectural model and explore ways to begin their initial structural design.
Basing on the architectural geometry they can retrieve a model data and create parametric based structural models to explore several design options.
Dynamo allows structural engineers to design organic and optimized buildings and other structures faster than with traditional modeling tools, using computational methods.
Structural engineers can use their creativity to develop optimized structural systems using computational logic in an advanced building information modeling environment.
They can access and edit building parameters more effectively than traditional hard coded tools allow. They can iterate and evaluate multiple building design options with ease, and build structures based on natural and mathematical principles.
Using computational logic in structural design with the visual programming interface of Dynamo opens up a new way of interacting with a building information modeling database.
Within Dynamo structural engineers can automate processes in Revit, and build complex and logic structures with minimal energy.
The AEC Collection now extends visual programing and structural analysis offering you Dynamo Studio and Robot Structural Analysis Professional. Dynamo Studio is a standalone programming environment which can help solve challenges faster and improve structural workflows.
Robot software provides structural engineers with advanced structural analysis capabilities for large and complex structures of any type. The Structural Analysis for Dynamo package allows for parametric modeling and structural analysis workflows in Dynamo and Robot Structural Analysis Professional.
Based on the Dynamo geometry structural engineers can create an analytical model, apply section shapes and boundary conditions such as supports and releases.
Moreover engineers can automatically apply structural loads and one of the benefits of this approach is the fact that values of structural loads are recalculated every time when the structural geometry changes.
When the analysis is done the results can be reviewed by structural engineers in the Robot Structural Analysis environment or they can retrieve the results of analysis within the Dynamo environment.
With the Structural Analysis package for Dynamo software, structural engineers may optimize their existing structural workflows or invent some new ways of doing things which improves their productivity.
Dynamo can improve many other structural workflows, for example:
It can help structural engineers calculate, generate and apply structural loads to analytical models in Revit automatically.
It can help quickly generate complex structures in Advance Steel.
and more…
There is a long list of possible use cases where Dynamo helps engineers, designers and detailers in their daily work getting things done faster and with minimal effort. Dynamo users can automate repetitive tasks to speed the design process and improve efficiency. They extend their designs into interoperable workflows for documentation, analysis, coordination and fabrication.
from my Autodesk source Bim & Beam: BIM and Beam at http://blogs.autodesk.com/bim-and-beam/2018/01/02/aec-collection-workflows-dynamo-for-structure/